Wow what a year we have had in Homebase 10 this year!! It has been great getting to know all of you this year and I will definitely be sad to see my first class move on, but I know that you will continue to Strive for Success in 2014.
We have investigated a number of really interesting things this year. In term 1 we looked at what it meant to be a Clearview Learner. Term 2 had us taking a look at different ways to insulate things and keep warm. In term 3 we had an awesome time working together for the Buskers Festival. And this term we researched all about wildlife and conservation with animals.
Anyway, drop a comment below and tell everyone what was your highlight (best part of the year) and what you are looking forward in next year.
Well done everyone on a positive and fun year and I will see you all around the school grounds next year!

Mr G.
Hi guys!

The link below will take you to some of those coordinate games we were investigating this week. The fossil game is called Dino Dig. 

Write a comment about any game you found and what was good about it.